Fall has always been my ABSOLUTE favorite season! I love the colors, I love that crisp air, the smell, everything. The hard part about an Autumn in Utah is that it usually lasts about 2 weeks. Fortunately for me and my little family, this Fall has been amazing. The awful summer heat is gone and it has been perfect. This has allowed us to be outside every day. While we are new here in Salt Lake, it's been fun to find new parks, go on long walks and visit the zoo. I hear there is a big storm coming tomorrow which makes me want to cry. So here are some pictures of happy Autumn times this year.
Once upon a time there were some really cute girls who all lived together in Logan. Yada yada yada.. we still love each other!! Here are some pictures of our little Girls Night Out at Gardner Village where it was Witch's Night. We had such a good time and ate so much that it felt just like college nights all over again! Thanks for the good times, girls!
Trying to figure out what is wrong with my blog. So I have been having a hard time with this blog..On my last post the comments were disabled and I have no idea how or how to fix it. So hopefully I'll get this thing fixed so I can post something!! Has this happened to anyone? If so, how did you fix it?