November 30, 2008


Hola fellow bloggers. I just wanted to write the first sentence on our blog but will now concede the rest to my lovely wife who will do much better at this than I would. ADEU!! - Chad

This really is a milestone for us because I vowed I wouldn't get sucked into the blogging world....needless to say I'm really excited about starting our blog! After looking at many of our cute friends' blogs, you have all inspired me to start one so thank you! This will definitely be more for our little family's "journal keeping" but I really do hope you all enjoy seeing a little bit into the lives of Chad, Ava and myself!


Judi said...

So very very glad you and Amanda finally figured it out!
Come see mine!

Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

Jenn, I have even figured more stuff out so we need to have another meeting session to teach. I know how to do most things that we were talking about the other night. Its pathetic how clueless we are but kinda good i guess. Anyway love you! Call me soon!