April 21, 2009

Triathlons, Dora and the Croup

Ok so with this post I'm not even sure where to start. The past week and a half have been completely consumed at our house with a sick little girl, training for a triathlon, and accepting Dora the Explorer into our home. As you can see from the picture posted, Chad competed in his first triathlon!!! I was so proud of him. My dad kind of roped him into doing the Orem City Tri with him so he wouldn't have to do it alone. Chad is pretty athletic, so he rose to the occasion. Although he is naturally active, he has not really worked out or exercised much in the past few years. Needless to say, he had a lot of catching up to do. He was such a trooper. Chad would go running or biking every morning and then go to the gym every night to swim. He did awesome! For having started training just a few weeks before the triathlon even took place, he came in 15th out of 28 in his age group and 107th out of over 300 over all. I was just impressed he finished at all. And not only that, but he beat my dad and his dad (who also decided to join in the exercise fun)! So I'm happy and excited for Chad to get into this. Not only is it a super healthy thing for him to be doing, but he absolutely loved doing it. He's already looking forward to his next tri in June! p.s. I take awful action photos. Sorry Chad!

Ava has had croup for almost two weeks. It has truly been an awful 10 days. I don't mean to complain or sound negative, but I just can't sugar-coat this one. It's been terrible. Ava didn't sleep at all, which means Chad and I didn't sleep at all. Her fever was seldom below 103 degrees and on top of all that, she has been very very fussy. I don't blame her- I know it's not her fault, but it gets very hard to handle for that long. On top of everything, with Chad's busy work schedule and training, we didn't see much of him last week which was hard for me to help Ava by myself. I think I get a little needy when I worry about Ava so much. Anyway, I'm HAPPY to report that she is doing much better. After a few doctor visits and a shot in the back side, Ava is doing well.

My last note really quick is that I completely caved this week. I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep or I just felt bad for Ava, but she loves Dora the Explorer. LOVES her. I don't really mind her on TV, but I vowed I would never be one of those moms who dressed their kids in SpongeBob or Minnie Mouse or Winnie the Pooh. (No offense to you moms that do, I get it now! And I'm sorry!) I have just always felt that it totally and completely lacks any sense of style or fashion. Needless to say, I get it now. Ava found these pink and purple croc-style shoes with Dora and Boots on top of them. She saw them at Target and wouldn't let them go. She took off her own shoes and put on the Dora shoes. I couldn't get them away from her. So I did what any exhausted, worn out, tired and loving mother would do- I bought her the Dora shoes (which were on clearance for $4). She wears them everywhere- church, around the house and even to bed. I'm just glad it makes her happy!


Jason and Sarah Nelson said...

Wow, that's impressive that Chad was able to do a triathlon. I'm so impressed with people who have that kind of stamina. And I totally understand the whole not wanting to dress your kids in winnie the pooh or mickey mouse, but I'm sure once they start having more say in what they want to wear, you've just got to go with the flow.....and I can't believe she got croup, how sad is that!

The Loveridge Family said...

What a fun and crazy week. That is so great for Chad! What a great accomplishment! As for you and Ava.....I'm glad she is feeling better. Don't let the Dora thing stress you out....sometimes us "MOM'S" don't always get are way. We sure miss you guys!!!

Judi said...

Way to go Chad!!!
So sorry Ava has been so sick...it is very hard when they are so ill and nothing you do can make it better, glad she is on the mend!
And remember you can call me anytime!!

Tierra said...

Oh Jen you are so great--I love that you caved and bought Dora shoes! I'm sure she still looks so cute and I'm glad she's feelin better.

TravNSteph said...

what no picture of the crocs?!? I think sammy has a pair like that and she wears them everywhere too and points them out when you see her! That is amazing that your family is being so active..i wish i had more motivation, but dont...I'm sorry ava was so sick! We have been dealing with sickness like crazy up here and i can only imagine the exhaustion you are feeling! I hope you catch up on some much needed rest!

Sarah said...

I sympathize with you, Michael just barely got better after being sick for three weeks. It's so exhausting. That's cool that Chad got to do a triathlon, I think Brent would like to do something like that. Thanks again for the dinner, it was fun to see you guys. We'll need to get together soon.

Kourtney and Nathan said...

Oh poor Ava, sounds like you guys had quite a last couple weeks. Yeah for Chad and the triathlon, that's awesome!

The Carrolls said...

Way to go Chad!!!That is so great you decided to do that. I'm sorry to hear Ava was sick, but glad she is doing better. It was fun to see you at your parent's house last Friday. Oh and by the way, my sister-in-law now has a blog with just her t-shirts and she is selling them this week for $10 each (she plans on raising her prices after this week). Here is the web address:
check it out. They are way cute.
Take care. Jacque

The Wimmer 5 said...

How's it going? I just found your blog and your little family is so cute. Congrats on everything. Your baby is so cute. Keep in touch.
