January 27, 2010

One of those days..

So it's just one of those days I feel like a terrible mother. I have been sick and have this extreme fatigue thing going on and it's really hampering my mothering skills. We started out our day with Dora and the Snow Princess, then onto Backyardigans, then Diego and now Dora again.. Ava has eaten all of her meals on the couch or on my bed in front of cartoons so I can lay down while she eats. This has been going on for 3 days now. Ava is all too excited she has had so many cartoons, but I'm feeling guilty. Here's to hoping tomorrow will be a better day.


Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well sis. I think Ava needs to come have some Amanda and Jake time while you rest.... Hope you get feeling better soon. Love you!

Ashley said...

That sounds a lot like our days... but I have no excuse. James watches way too much of Dora and the Care Bears- which is embarrassing to admit on so many different levels...
I really hope you get feeling better. My number is 782-7082. Call me soon!!

leslie said...

allie basically has all the word worlds memorized, and i'm not even sick.

leslie said...

don't tease me jen, when are you coming? you better call me when you're here.

chad just wants you to think it's taking him an hour to fold, but really it's just so he can sit there with out helping with the others jobs. really, do they think we're stupid?:)

Anonymous said...

You're so sweet to feel guilty :0) Here's to feeling better soon!!

Jennilyn and Chad said...

This is making me feel so much better!! Thanks girls! Now that Ava is fluent in Spanish from Dora and Diego, I'm finally starting to feel better! And it was a nice day today, so that helped, too. I actually left the house- granted it was just to go to Wal-mart, but still.. Awesome!

Sarah said...

Those days happen to all of us, don't worry I'm sure Ava had a good day. I hope you feel better and get some extra sleep.

The White's said...

Hope you are better soon. Don't feel too bad, you do what you need to do when you don't feel well, it's the only way mothers ever get feeling better.