December 01, 2010

Who I Am

I am... Jennilyn Hadley Talbot, a wife and a mother of 2 insanely beautiful babies. I husband is sexy. I really do. I want... to be a good mom. I compare myself way too much to other people. I'm trying to learn that I have strengths where others may have weaknesses, but I'm working on that one.. I have... a lot to be thankful for. I feel fortunate to say that "I have" everything I need- an amazing family (brothers and sisters who are truly my best friends in this world), parents who still love me no matter what, and children who think I can do no wrong. My friends have stuck with me for a long time! Good friends are hard to keep, but for some, it just feels more natural to keep apart of my life than to live without. I wish...on stars..still. I really do. I don't know if it's a little childish or immature, but I call it a habit. I may never stop wishing like that. I hate... contention. I will do anything to avoid it. Anything. But sometimes that's hard for me, considering that there are moments when confrontation needs to happen. I'm working on it. I miss...the "worries" that I used to have in high school. Seriously- if all I had to "worry" about now was who was going to ask me to Prom or what I was doing next Friday night, I'd be sleeping much better at night! I wish that my "big" concerns then were all I had to be concerned about now. Now I worry about where to live, making sure both of my kids are cared for and safe 24 hours a day and paying the bills. Life was a little different then. I fear...a lot of things. I am a scaredy cat, for sure. I'm afraid of heights, spiders, snakes, fast cars, losing a loved one, etc. This list could go on and on. I feel...excited for the Holidays and spending so much time with Chad and our families! I love this time of year!!!
I hear...Nixon breathing in his crib next to me and Handy Manny on the TV. I smell... my delicious Scentsy burning from the kitchen. I LOVE the fall/Christmas scents! I search...for acceptance. Mostly every day. I'm hoping I realize I'm not 16 anymore so I can stop doing this. I don't know why I care, I just do. Wish me luck. I wonder... where we'll be in 5 years. The past few years for us has been insane and I literally could not have imagined things going the way they did. So I'm always curious what lies ahead for our little family. I regret...Cutting my hair. I love...Chad. With everything I am, I love Chad. I also love Ava and Nixon more than I know how to say. They are my entire life now. I care...about the weather. I look on's weather a few times a day. I am such a nerd. I always...kiss Chad goodnight. I am not...crafty - at all. I wish I was and I'm super jealous of people that are. I do not have the patience for crafts. I was kicked out of girl scouts for never participating in arts and crafts time when I was 8. This is just the way I have been for years, I guess. I believe... The unplanned life is no less a life. I stole that from T but I truly believe it. I the kitchen for Ava and Nixon. I'm a terrible dancer and Chad makes fun of me, but my kids think I'm hilarious! They laugh really hard when I dance, so I do it often. I sing...all the time. It's embarrassing because I'm not that great, but in college I would make little spontaneous musicals for everything I was doing. I haven't stopped. Ava does the same thing now, too. I don' to lose. Ever. I write...lists. I enjoy checking things off my list. I even write down things I have already done, just so I can check them off. I Scrabble EVERY time! :) Hence, Chad will no longer play with me. I keys in my purse every day. I need to do something about that. I never...drink diet soda. It's Dr. Pepper, or nothing! I Christmas music year-round. I love it. I can usually be Target. Another weakness. I am scared of...everything- we already covered that. I read:...not as often as I would like to. I am happy about...the furniture RC Willy's just delivered to my house. Thank you Chad!!


Dixie said...

I love it. I can't dance or sing, but we are always making up songs and dancing over here.

Amie said...

I love you Jenn! One of these days we'll live in the same city again and we'll have dinner dates and our kids can play and it'll be fun. I loved reading all of this about you. Oh and can I please meet Nixon!? He is delicious! Your kids are beautiful.

Judi said...

What a great post!
Don't forget to add me to your list of email invites!

Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

Seriously, I love you so much. You are an AMAZING sister in law that I can't even call you that. Your just my sister! I love your kids more than you can even imagine. You truly are one of my greatest examples that I look up to so so much. Thank you for being who you are, quirks and all! I love you!

Birrell Family said...

Beautiful thoughts!