September 08, 2009

Here's for all you single wives

I know - the term "single wife" makes absolutely no sense...right? Well, for some of us wives, we have come to understand this term very well once football season starts. That's right- to all of us girls who suddenly wonder if you've turned invisible, uninteresting, and less than entertaining, this is for you. I know that my husband tends to be a little extreme with his football passion, but I know there are a lot of us out there who wonder why we are no longer as appealing to our spouses once college football starts. I'm advising you not to take it personally. This is just a side effect of men's one-track minds. Yes- ONE-track mind. Meaning men are completely incapable of giving you all of their time and attention when they are so focused on football (or anything else for that matter). Now in my house, BYU is definitely the team of choice. Chad idolizes them and would secretly give his left arm just to hang out with Bronco Mendenhall or Max Hall (or any other player for that matter) for just one day. He has dreams about playing on their team. Like real dreams- wakes up in the morning and tells me all about how Bronco put him in during the 4th quarter to save the Cougs. Seriously- this is all true. But with my husbands love for the Cougars, he is also obsessed with whoever plays in the same conference so he can eye up his competition. He also watches the teams that are going to play the teams that are going to play the Cougars. Does that make sense? So they don't even have to be playing the Cougars, he just likes to know EVERYTHING about EVERY team. It gets exhausting to try to follow. So here's what I do and I advise you all to do the same- milk it! Milk it for all you can. Let me tell you, it's hard being a wife who suddenly takes a back seat to football, but there is something that we can do to keep ourselves in the game. While Chad is way enthralled in a game, I ask for a back rub, foot rub or he has to play with my hair. Let's face it, he's not going anywhere for a few hours so he can spare the time. Other times I use this time to my shopping advantage. He gets to indulge for 3 plus hours watching a game, I get to indulge in a little retail therapy of my own. It also goes without saying that he gets to spend some quality daddy daughter time with Ava while I enjoy a relaxing shopping trip to the mall. Love it. So while I'm slowly adjusting to being a single wife, it's got its perks. I'd love some input on how you other single wives deal with football season too. We can build a little support group. For all of you wives that don't have this issue, maybe a little advice on what it is you're doing to keep your husband year-round! :) For the record, I absolutely love Chad. I wouldn't change anything about him. He is perfect for me in every way. Go Cougars!


Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

You are hilarious Jenn. I'm lucky to have a husband that kinda cares what is going on but doesn't care if he ever watches a game, he'll catch the highlights later. If you need sister-in-law bonding time during any BYU event you let me know! Love you! One more thing, i think you have it the worst. I have talked to some crazy coug fans and they say chad is the worst....

leslie said...

i may have it worse than you (not that it's a competition or anything:) because it's not just one's just 'college football'. morgan even upgraded our package on dish just so he could get all the games plus the high school teams. crazy. and if he's not watching on t.v. he's on that &*#! blackberry checking scores and comments. we've always had the agreement of foot-rubs, but it usually works to his advantage cause i always fall asleep and then he's home free. maybe you should just come visit me every saturday...sad to say that we won't be missed:)

Tierra said...

Jenn I love you! I haven't experienced this in its fullness, but I had a man around during NBA Playoffs time and I thought if I toughed it out, pretended to care, learned a little player trivia, and just generally played the supportive girlfriend role, I would survive it and then we'd be past it. Well the night after it ended, you better believe I came home from work guessed it...BASEBALL!!! He was COMPLETELY shocked when I lost it, you know, since I had enjoyed basketball so much!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! David is one that likes EVERY sport, but this is the first time in our married lives we've had internet or ESPN, so we'll see how it goes! I try and tell him he has to just pick ONE team to follow, but that doesn't really happen. It does help that he has a job again, though :0) I do find myself caring a little about some of the sports and that helps a little... Good luck!

TravNSteph said...

ha ha ha that is totally my husband! i am practically invisible now that football has started!

Kevin and Corinne said...

Single wives. i can relate. Except its not football....its hunting. What is with men and hitting each other or killing things....doesn't make sense to me.
love your posts by the way!

Kourtney and Nathan said...

I understand "single wife" for sure!! And I'm a "hunting widow" too!! I wish you were closer and then we could hang during these times... if you stay down there long enough we could be joining you in a year or so for grad school though :)

mcbingham said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing your insight into the football season! We need to take advantage of this time to get together :) ...but really I'd love to get together with all of you too! Love ya