December 30, 2009

Snow Day

For Christmas, Ava finally got snow clothes! This is the first time she's had any..I'm pretty sure that makes me a terrible mom.. So when it snowed today, Chad came home for lunch to take his little girl out for her first snow day. She was so excited! She cried when she had to come in because she was just getting the hang of how to make a snow ball. It was really cute to see her try to maneuver in the million layers I put on her. It was worth it. I already promised her we could go out later today...she's my little snow bunny.

Ava fell over and couldn't figure out how to stand back funny!

1 comment:

Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

OH MY GOODNESS. I wish I could be there with her. She is SOO STINKIN cute. I'm so glad you finally updated. Your pictures are so much fun. I love you guys so much and can't wait to play in the snow with little ava.